Ultrum Ultimate Flea Spray for Dogs

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- Benefits
Ultrum Ultimate Spray – Long-lasting Flea Treatment for Dogs
Ultrum Ultimate Spray is a long-lasting flea and tick spray for dogs. The topical solution kills fleas and ticks when they come in contact. It eliminates fleas within 24 hours and prevents flea infestation. It kills fleas efficiently for 4 weeks and eliminates flea eggs and larvae for over 3 months. Ultrum Ultimate Flea spray is suitable for puppies 7 weeks of age and over.
Ultrum Ultimate Spray for Dogs
Ultrum Ultimate is easy to use flea spray. It contains four major constituents -Permethrin, Es-bioallethrin, Pyriproxifen and Piperonyl butoxide. The potent combined formula affects flea nerve cells and destroys them. The insect growth regulator in the spray restricts the growth and flea eggs and larvae and thus breaks flea life cycle. It protects dogs from other harmful flea and tick infested diseases.
- Permethrin
- Es-bioallethrin
- Pyriproxifen
- Piperonyl butoxide
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